Adult Dance Class Announcements

Adult Division Class Schedule 2024-25

By September 9, 2024 No Comments


6:15-8:00 PM
Intermediate / Advanced ballet

6:15-7:30 PM
Beginning Modern


6:15-7:45 PM
Intermediate Modern Jazz

7:00-9:00 PM
12-week series


6:15-7:45 PM
Intermediate Ballet

8:00-8:30 PM


5:30-6:45 PM

7:00-8:30 PM
Advanced Beginning Ballet


11:00-12:30 PM
Intermediate / Advanced Ballet

12:45-2:15 PM
10-week series


11:00-12:30 PM
Beginning Ballet 2

11:15-12:45 PM
Advanced Beginning / Intermediate Ballet

12:45-1:15 PM

1:00-2:30 PM
Beginning Ballet 1

Classes follow the Children’s Division schedule for a total of 33 weeks from September – May; four 8-week sessions and one 9-week session.

View holiday & vacation dates here.

Series dates go from September 9 – May 18, ongoing series unless there is not enough enrollment for a class to go. Students may join a class at any time during the series, class content is ongoing and reviewed often.

Series 1: September 9 – November 3 (8-weeks)
Series 2: November 4 – January 18 (8-weeks)
Series 3: January 19 – March 15 (8-weeks)
Series 4: March 16 – May 17 (9-weeks)


We offer our classes by the series. You must pay tuition for the series you are attending by the first day of class in that session.

Cost per series is $160 cash or check, $164.40 credit card; except the March – May series cost is $180 cash or check, $187.20 credit card.

If you enroll for 2 or more classes in a series, there is a small tuition discount. Check/cash pricing is listed below. There is a 4% processing fee for credit card transaction.

Drop in class: $25 (must be scheduled in advance, no walk-ins)

No refunds, make-ups must be completed within the session. you are enrolled.

Download a printable version of the schedule.

Series Tuition Rates Ballet & Modern

one class per week: $160 (8-week series); $180 (9-week series)
two classes per week: $288 (8-week series); $324 (9-week series)
three classes per week: $384 (8-week series); $432 (9-week series)
Pointe: $80 (8-week series); $90 (9-week series)

Studio is closed May 19 – May 31.

Summer session begins on June 2, 2025 with weekly classes in June, July, and August. We will offer a Ballet intensive and workshop series, one in June and one in July. Details available January 2025.

Class placement Guidelines

Email to register for a class or for assistance choosing your class.

Beginning Ballet 1: for students who have never attended a ballet class or have attended ballet class regularly for less than one year.

Beginning Ballet 2: for students who have attended a ballet class regularly for at least one year and have a good understanding of ballet terminology and alignment.

Advanced Beginning / Intermediate Ballet: for students who have attended three or more years of ballet regularly and have a solid understanding of ballet terminology, alignment and execution of movement.

Pointe: offered following ballet class. You must enroll in Ballet technique class to register for Pointe class.

Repertory: for Intermediate / Advanced students who are currently and consistently enrolled in a series. Class is run as a 10-week series, students must be able to attend all classes and culminate in a performance.

Composition: for students who are currently and consistently enrolled in a class series, or by exception of the teacher. All levels are welcome. Class is run as a multiple week series, see website for dates and details.

Feldenkrais: is a somatic practice that explores awareness through movement. All levels are welcome.

Beginning Modern: for students who have never attended a Modern dance class or have attended Modern class regularly for less than one year.

Intermediate / Advanced Modern Jazz: for students who have attended a Modern dance class regularly for at least one year and have a good understanding of Modern dance terminology and movement vocabulary.