Adult Dance Class Announcements

Adult Division Series Schedule 2024-2025

By August 28, 2024 No Comments

Click here to view the class schedule

To register for a class, email A Registration Form is required for all students prior to attending class.

For our Adult Division students, we offer classes by the series. Each series is 8-9 weeks in length depending on where we are in the year. To maintain class size and for the purpose of planning, drop ins are not offered but can be scheduled via email with advance notice.

Series dates go from September 9 – May 18, with no class break unless there is not enough enrollment for a class to go. Students may join a class at any time during the series, class content is ongoing and reviewed often.

Series 1: September 9 – November 3 (8-weeks)
Series 2: November 4 – January 18 (8-weeks)
Series 3: January 19 – March 15 (8-weeks)
Series 4: March 16 – May 17 (9-weeks)

We offer our classes by the series. You must pay tuition for the series you are attending by the first day of class in that session. When a new series is starting, you will receive an email from Danspace prompting you to pay for the new series. You are not obligated to renew for the next series, but kindly reply to our email when the time comes.

Cost per series is $160 cash or check, $164.40 credit card; except the March-May series cost is $180 cash or check, $187.20 credit card. If you enroll for 2 or more classes in a series, there is a small tuition discount.

Check/Cash pricing is listed below. There is a 4% processing fee for Credit Card transactions.

Drop in class: $25
Must be scheduled in advance, no walk-ins. 

No refunds, Make-ups must be completed within the session you are enrolled.


Series Tuition Rates 

Ballet & Modern 

8-week series 9-week series
one class per week $160 $180
two classes per week $288 $324
three classes per week $384 $432
Pointe $80 $90

Studio closed May 19 – May 31.

Summer session begins on June 2, 2025 with weekly classes offered in June, July and August.

During the Summer session will offer a Ballet Intensive and a Workshop series, one in June and one in July. Details available January 2025.

Class Placement Guidelines
Email to register for a class, or for assistance in choosing your class.

Beginning Ballet 1: For students who have never attended a ballet class or have attended ballet class regularly for less than one year.

Beginning Ballet 2: For students who have attended a ballet class regularly for at least one year and have a good understanding of ballet terminology and alignment.

Advanced Beginning/Intermediate Ballet: For students who have attended three or more years of ballet regularly and have a solid understanding of ballet terminology, alignment and execution of movement.

Pointe: Offered following Ballet technique class. You must enroll in the Ballet technique class to register for the Pointe class.

Repertory: For Intermediate/Advanced students who are currently and consistently enrolled in a class series. Class is run as a 10-week series, students must be able to attend all classes and the culminating performance.

Composition: For students who are currently and consistently enrolled in a class series, or by exception of the teacher. All levels are welcome. Class is run as a multiple week series, see website for dates and details.

Feldenkrais is a somatic practice that explores awareness through movement. All levels are welcome.

Beginning Modern: For students who have never attended a Modern dance class or have attended Modern class regularly for less than one year.

Intermediate/Advanced Modern Jazz: For students who have attended a Modern dance class regularly for at least one year and have a good understanding of Modern dance terminology and movement vocabulary.

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