There’s something about stepping into the studio that awakens creativity. You may notice yourself standing or walking differently, adopting a “dance class” persona in your body’s movements. During this time of dancing at home, have you noticed any of that embodiment in your home practice?
I see it when we sit on the floor to stretch and dancers’ spines stretch a little longer. I see it as the music comes on and the dancers move as if the music is flowing through their bodies. I feel it in myself when I stand in preparation waiting for an exercise to begin. (I also notice this spark of creativity when I start to run out of space and have to figure out in the middle of a combination how to not kick the couch or the wall.)
Studying dance has broad impacts in our lives outside the studio and helps mold us into dedicated, thoughtful and creative humans. This month, I invite you to notice where your creativity shows up for you at home.
Our summer programs are underway!
- We started our weekly Serendipity class, exploring creative movement from our homes.
- Our teen dance camp starts the last week of July (there’s still time to register – details below!)
- COterie DAnce Performance Opportunity dancers are meeting every day for class and rehearsal, to create a virtual performance.
- We’re halfway done with our Adult Division July series (sign up for August now!)
Thank you for dancing with us and joining us in this exploration of dancing at home!
Children’s and Youth Divisions
We are virtually dancing this summer – are you?
Creative Movement Dance Class
July 16 – August 27
Thursdays, 2:00-2:30pm
Tuition is $140
To Enroll: Email

Dance workshop for humans ages 10-15!
Monday, July 27 – Friday, July 31
Virtual showing held on Friday, July 31
Tuition: $450
To Enroll: Email
We meet each morning on Zoom for Ballet & Modern, break for lunch away from the screen and Login after lunch to spend the afternoon working together on visual arts. Danspace will provide craft materials for your dancer and drop them off at your house (no contact delivery).
Just added! Morning dance class only. If you do not want to take the afternoon portion of this workshop, dancers may choose to take just the Ballet & Modern morning classes:
Half-day Dance workshop for humans ages 10-15!
Monday, July 27 – Friday, July 31
10:15am-12:15pm plus Friday from 1:30-3:30pm
Virtual showing held on Friday, July 31 at 2:30pm
Tuition: $228
To Enroll: Email

Fall Registration date extended! Confirm your classes by Aug 1.
We will begin the year virtually via Zoom with the hope of transitioning to a Hybrid format late in the fall semester or by January 2021. Danspace is following OUSD for the decision on Hybrid classes and we will email you in August with any updates to the class schedule regarding meeting virtually or in the studio.
Questions about placement? Email
Adult Division
Sign up for August series
Please confirm which August classes you intend to enroll in. We must have a minimum number of students committed by July 31 in order to hold classes.
Fall 2020 Virtual schedule is now available
Click here to see the schedule and please email us to enroll by September 1! Fall classes begin Sunday, September 13.
Looking Forward
We will begin the 2020-2021 year virtually via Zoom with the hope of transitioning to a hybrid format late in the fall semester or by January 2021. Danspace is following OUSD’s lead to inform our decision to begin hybrid classes, and we will email you with any updates as the option for returning to the studio becomes possible. Our priority is our students, faculty, and staff safety and health.
See you over zoom!
The Danspace team