Adult Dance Class AnnouncementsAnnouncements

Feldenkrais at Danspace

By August 28, 2024 No Comments

Feldenrkais is a somatic practice with a relaxed class structure that focuses on awareness through  movement.

Instructor: Mary Armentrout
To Register: Email

The Feldenkrais Method is a wide ranging system for understanding how the human being functions and learns how to learn, using the body as its primary laboratory.

Learn to deeply experience – from the inside out – how different parts of your body move and work together. Discover how very subtle changes can fundamentally alter and refine all the movements you do – from sitting to walking, making a cup of coffee, double pirouettes or standing on your head – and how this can release inefficient patterning, chronic tension, and pain, while increasing ease, awareness, joy in movement, and flow.

Thursdays, 5:30-6:45pm

4-class series, $80
Scheduled Drop-in, $25

Series dates
September 26 – October 17
October 24 – November 14
November 21 – December 19

Rate listed is cash or check price,
If paying with a credit card there is a 4% processing fee

Sign up for all 4  classes in each series for the $80 4-class series rate or schedule a drop in.
Tuition rate is per 4-week series.


Mary Armentrout is a teacher, choreographer, dancer, and Feldenkrais Practitioner, and the director of the Mary Armentrout Dance Theater (MADT). Over the years she has taught movement and dance of many varieties to people from ages 4 to 75+. Her understanding of movement and the human body is informed by her decades of study of Contemporary Modern Dance, Ballet, Butoh, Aikido, Authentic Movement, Alexander Technique, and of course the Feldenkrais Method, as well as her own healing process from a chronic back pain situation that lasted 14 years. Her current teaching practice spans Feldenkrais, dance technique, and creative fusions of the two. She teaches on-going classes in the Bay Area, in festivals and intensives, and recently taught master classes at universities in Louisiana, England, and China. Her eclectic dance background, combined with a creative integration of Feldenkrais principles, makes her Feldenkrais classes inviting and accessible to dancers and non-dancers alike – to all movers looking to safely explore and better understand how their bodies move!


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