Dance teachers have an important job in a dance class, but sometimes dancers forget (or don’t know) that the dancer has the most important job in a dance class.
Teachers create a class structure and exercises designed to help the class learn technical elements appropriate for their age and skill level. Dancers must come to class prepared to learn and infused with agency – what a dancer learns and how they apply the class elements is up to them.
What steps should I take as a dancer to be prepared for class?
- Arrive a little early (about 10-15 minutes before the class starts). This will give you time to get settled, warmup, and be mentally and physically ready for class.
- If you find yourself needing to often take a break in the middle of class to use the restroom, try using your time before class to use the restroom, so you can stay present for the full class time and not miss any instruction. For parents of younger dancers: please encourage your dancers to use the bathroom when they arrive at the studio – that helps the teacher get the most out of the class time but limits the contagious desire to use the restroom during class time. Read about dance etiquette for re-entering class after a bathroom break.
- Bring a dance bag with the supplies you need for class. It is your responsibility as a dancer to have what you need for class. Read our post about what should be in your dance bag.
- Make sure you are in the appropriate clothes and shoes for your dance class. Find our dress code policies here.
- Make sure your hair is up and secured away from your face. Dancers of all ages should ensure that their hair doesn’t fall into their eyes or that they wear a hairstyle that requires them to adjust it often (a bun is not just a classical aesthetic—it secures the hair away from the face and neck so it’s not distracting during class). This is a requirement for all ages and levels at Danspace.
- Breathe and get focused mentally. Dance class requires a lot of mental energy and focus. One of the benefits of class is how present we must be, and many dancers experience their minds quieting down during class. Take a moment to get centered, take some breaths, and leave the rest of your day outside the studio door.
- Warm up. Read our post about how to create a good warmup for your body.
- After class, schedule some recovery. Adult dance students and more advanced dance students should prioritize recovery. Soak in warm water with epsom salts to help sore muscles or ice any recovering injuries. Stretch for a few minutes in a gentle way to help your muscles recover. And plan to get good rest the night before and after your class.
By being prepared for class, we show respect for ourselves, the other students in class, and our teacher.
If you have questions about how to be prepared for dance class, please email us or talk with your teacher.